THC Vape Juice Purple Punch In Karachi {03043280033}

THC Vape Juice Purple Punch In Karachi {03043280033}
UGX 9,500



THC Vape Juice Purple Punch In Pakistan | HerbiMart.ComTHC Vape Juice Purple Punch In Pakistan. Vaping Allows Thc To Be Absorbed Quickly Into The Bloodstream, Providing Near-instant Relief From Stress, Anxiety, Or Tension. Its Sedative Properties Can Help Promote Better Sleep And Soothe Muscle Tension Or Discomfort. For Recreational Users, Purple Punch Offers A Mellow, Euphoric High That’s Enjoyable Without Being Overwhelming.THC Vape Juice Purple PunchVolume: Available In 1Ml To 2Ml Bottles Or Cartridges