Sheep weighing scales price in Uganda +256 700225423

Sheep weighing scales price in Uganda +256 700225423


  • Category: Weighing Scales / Balances
  • Delivery: Paid delivery country wide, Customer pick up
  • Custom Delivery message: we are committed to providing the highest quality weighing scale products.
  • Weighing Scale / Balance Type: Other Scales
  • Device Range: 1000kg
  • Features: Digital display


Sheep weighing scales price in Uganda +256 700225423 By choosing animal weighing scales in Uganda, you can ensure that you have access to high-quality instruments that provide accurate and reliable measurements for monitoring the health and growth of your animals. Animal Weighing Scales, Cattle Weighing Scales, Livestock Weighing Scales, Liveweight Weighing Scales,Goat Scales,  #AnimalWeighingScales #GoatScales #LivestockWeighingScales

We are located at University Plaza Room A18 Bombo Rd, Wandegeya – UgandaFor more details, please contact us on; +256 700225423+256 787089315Or email us at: [email protected] https://eagleweighingsystems.com