Pet platform animal weighing scales in Kampala Uganda

Pet platform animal weighing scales in Kampala Uganda



This type of scale is perfect for weighing smaller animals, such as lizards, rabbits, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and cats. For the larger animals, the scale of choice would be a platform scales. These scales can typically weigh up to 1000 lb. These would be found in zoos instead of smaller veterinarians offices. They would weigh monkeys, alligators, smaller hoofed animals, and nearly all others. Even marine animals would be appropriate.

We are located at University Plaza Room A18 Bombo Rd, Wandegeya – Kampala

For more details please contact us on ; +256 (0) 700225423

+256 (0) 787089315

Or email us,Soil-tester-moisture-meter-at-eagle-weighing-systems,Kampala,UG,9581.html,Draminsk