Ketra Motors SMC Limited

Ketra Motors SMC Limited
Ketra Motors SMC Limited
Ketra Motors SMC Limited
Ketra Motors SMC Limited
Ketra Motors SMC Limited
Ketra Motors SMC Limited
Ketra Motors SMC Limited
Ketra Motors SMC Limited
Ketra Motors SMC Limited
Ketra Motors SMC Limited
Ketra Motors SMC Limited
Ketra Motors SMC Limited
Ketra Motors SMC Limited
Ketra Motors SMC Limited
Ketra Motors SMC Limited
Ketra Motors SMC Limited


  • Category: Auto Services
  • Delivery: Paid delivery country wide, Customer pick up
  • Custom Delivery message: We make pick ups and deliveries of Vehicles country wide.
  • Service Type: Car Maintenance


Ketra Motors SMC Limited is a motor vehicle service and maintenance company located on Rubaga road next to Tosha Petrol station.

Kerta Motors SMC Limited is the reliable source for all your vehicle service and maintenance needs, you can count on quality service and expertise when it comes to your vehicle maintenance.

Don’t settle for just any service provider – choose Kerta Motors SMC Limited for top-notch vehicle maintenance.