How To Use Lecithin Capsule | *o3oo~683o~984* | in Islamaba

How To Use Lecithin Capsule | *o3oo~683o~984* | in Islamaba
UGX 10,000


  • Category: Health & Lifestyle
  • Delivery: Free delivery within kampala
  • Service Type : Fashion & Grooming


How To Use Lecithin Capsule • For Those With High Blood Pressure, High Blood Lipid, And High Blood Sugar.• For Those Who Intend To Prevent Cerebra- Or Cardiovascular Diseases.• For Those Who Intend To Improve Memory Or Prevent Senile Dementia.• For Those Who Drink Excessively Or Have Liver Dysfunction.• For Those With Rough Skin, Cloasma, Or Age Spots.• 1-2 Capsules In A Day.CALL / SMS / WHATSAPP0300683098403016333292 Green World Lecithin Capsule Price in Pakistan is 4,500 /PKR