How to Use Diox Detox Tea 60 Pcs 1 Month | *o3oo~683o~984* |

How to Use Diox Detox Tea 60 Pcs 1 Month | *o3oo~683o~984* |
UGX 10,000


  • Category: Health & Lifestyle
  • Delivery: Free delivery within kampala
  • Service Type : Fashion & Grooming


How to Use Diox Detox Tea 60 Pcs 1 Month1 hour before morning and evening meals, open 1 bag into a glass of hot water and mix.After waiting for a few minutes like a normal tea bag, drink it with pleasure.The interaction of the product will increase with plenty of water.Take care to drink water (about 3 liters per day)CALL / SMS / WHATSAPP0300683098403016333292 Detox Tea 60 Pcs 1 Month Buy Online Shop PKR 1,0000