Durable Weighing Scales for Ugandan Markets +256 700225423

Durable Weighing Scales for Ugandan Markets +256 700225423
Durable Weighing Scales for Ugandan Markets +256 700225423
Durable Weighing Scales for Ugandan Markets +256 700225423
Durable Weighing Scales for Ugandan Markets +256 700225423
Durable Weighing Scales for Ugandan Markets +256 700225423
Durable Weighing Scales for Ugandan Markets +256 700225423


  • Category: Other ads
  • Delivery: Free delivery within kampala, Paid delivery country wide, Customer pick up
  • Custom Delivery message: Order for weighing scales online in Uganda and we will deliver to you on discount +256 700225423
  • Condition: New


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