Where to buy animal weighing scales in Uganda +256 700225423
- Category: Animal Accessories
- Delivery: Free delivery within kampala, Paid delivery country wide, Customer pick up
- Condition: New
Where to buy animal weighing scales in Uganda +256 700225423, Livestock Weighing Scales, Veterinary weighing scales, Animal Weighing Scales, Cattle Weighing Scales, Liveweight Weighing Scales, Single Animal Scales, Stationary Single Animal Scales, Mobile Livestock Scales, Farm Bar Scales, Select a supplier of animal weighing scales in Uganda that offers a range of models suitable for different types and sizes of animals. We are located at University Plaza Room A18 Bombo Rd, Wandegeya – Uganda. For more details, please contact us on; +256 700225423. https://eagleweighingsystems.com/product-category/platform-weighing-scales-uganda/cattle-scales-in-uganda/ https://audio.com/cattle-weighing-scales-in-uganda-256-700225423 https://weenja.ug/store/livestock-and-cattle